Wow…you’re so butthurt over Noobclock666 hating Chikn Nuggit that you:
Made Several sock accounts to try and make it look like you have an army
Go to random people who like Noobclock666 just to spam them with nonsense
Go to videos and pics from NoobClock666 (that don’t even have anything to do with Chikn Nuggit) just to make extremely distasteful insults that include ableism and death threats.
And now, you’re making hate art on a random character, all cuz she happens to be a character that NoobClock666 likes…even though this whole thing started cuz NoobClock666 made hate art on something you like. So basically you’re just being a huge hypocrite.
At least NoobClock666 also makes art about stuff he likes (in fact, most of his art is stuff that he likes!) you do nothing but complain about Him! Saying he’s totally the devil and is always whining about Chikn Nuggit…except that again, that isn’t the case and that you whine about him way more than he does about Chikn Nuggit. Your lack of reflection is truly stunning.
Anyway, this art looks traced and I can feel the butthurt oozing from it. Git Gud.